
    Petting zoo's are a fun weekend activity with your family. You get to see all types of animals up close and personal! However, petting zoo's are not fun when the animals escape and end up in your back yard. There I was eating lasagna when I look out my kitchen window to see a llama standing on my deck. I froze. My first thoughts were that it was not real as it was standing as still as a statue. Then, a large pig goes running across my yard and into the woods. This is when I heard the screams, the scream of my mother. Pigs! she yelled at the top go her lungs. My German Shepard, Alfie, became alert and started barking as loud as thunder. Then, in an instance the animals were gone. My dad quickly called animal control. Long story short, a petting farm near my house had all their animals escape and the farmers were looking for them. In the end, I do not like farm animals in my yard while I'm eating dinner.


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